I’m not going to lie. It was a bit of a lean year from a photography standpoint.
That’s not to say I haven’t taken multiple thousands of photos over the course of 2018. I’ve probably taken more photos over the past 12 months than I’ve ever taken over a similar span, but the vast vast majority of those shots were of kids in either marching band or soccer uniforms. While my skill in “action photography” has grown appreciably over the last year, I probably didn’t expand my creative acumen in the “Shots Just for Brian” category as much as I normally would.
This lack of focus led to the following sobering moment. While reviewing photos for this year’s post I found myself saying out loud, “Huh, I guess this is all there is.” Not exactly the sentiment you’re after when sifting through resumes for your job opening, perusing vehicles on the used car lot, or picking photos for your “Best Photos of 2018” list.
I’m solely to blame for not setting aside enough time for my creative endeavors, but it can be hard to pick up a camera for something fun when you’re surrounded by them all day at work, or you’ve just squeezed off 837 shots of 17-year-olds playing “My Sharona” on their mellophones.
So, yeah. It’s not exactly a bumper crop this year.
Normally, I really struggle to cut down my “best of” selections, but this year I scrapped to find 10 images I truly enjoyed and felt were representative of my best work. Ultimately, I don’t think I met that particular bar, but the exercise will serve as a reminder that I have work to do in 2019 to continue to grow and expand my skills and vision as a photographer. In the meantime, if you really like photos of high school marching bands, and kids playing soccer or basketball, message me. We’ve got a lot to review.

I’ve always admired shots like these when they are taken by others. This is my attempt to replicate their success in transforming a simple scene into something that is a tiny bit ethereal.

I probably could have selected a few other shots from Pennhurst Asylum for this list, but this one is standout for me because of its enticing mixture of colors, textures, and shadows.

Animals at zoos are usually pretty docile, so it was pretty exciting to see this zebra in full gallop during our annual visit to the Cape May County Park & Zoo this summer.

A simple moment of appreciation captured.

The second on this list from Pennhurst was the result of being in a pitch dark basement of an abandoned asylum with an LED light and an itch to play with long exposures. Sounds… fun?

Nothing flashy here, just the simple tones and the shadows that strike my fancy for some reason. Of all the amazing flowers at Longwood Gardens, I just keep coming back to these leaves hanging on well past their expiration date.

While I do like the shot on its on artistic merits, it probably has more meaning to me on a personal level. Common ground with your children can be some of the most gratifying space to occupy.

The late day sun and the unpolished movements just screams late summer to me now.

The unusual shapes and complimentary color combos make this one pop.

I don’t like this one so much for its technical accuracy (It’s not as sharp as I would like) but because I’ve been waiting to see this guy’s face for years. He’s always been coiled up with his head tucked in towards the back of his tank. In 2018 he finally decided to say hello.
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