Week 24 – Father
None of the Dads I came in to contact this week felt like being on the business end of the camera, so I thought I would capture something that reminded me of my dad.
I’ve always admired my Dad’s ability to create something out of nothing. Armed with a hammer, some nails, a few 2 x 4’s, and absolutely no plans or blueprints, Dad would set to work. Suddenly, we would have an enclosed porch on the shady side of the house, or a barn/shed in the backyard where just a day ago there was nothing. His natural gift of being able to envision something (An actual, physical, real, SOMETHING!) then bring it to life and give it form, shape, and purpose will always be amazing to me.
Dad, I may not have inherited your skills with tools, but you taught me by example about hard work, dedication, and absolute devotion to your family.
Happy Father’s Day to my all-time favorite craftsman.

This is an entry for a 52 week photo project I’m participating in conjuction with several other members of the Lancaster County Photography Meetup Group. I’ll be posting the entries here with either an anecdote, challenges in creating the shot, successes, or frustrations with my week to week results.
- You can find out more about the project and see other participant’s photos here:
www.flickr.com/groups/lancaster-52-project - You can see my entries in the project as a set here:
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