Let’s say you made a bar chart of the number of photos you take each month for any given year. If I were a betting man, I’d put a hefty chunk of dough on January as the tiniest bar by a pretty wide margin. For those of us who live in the northeast, the first month of the year can be pretty bleak not only from a weather standpoint, but for creativity as well.
Our shooting locales are limited and the aforementioned weather is… well it’s crappy and makes a lot of things inconvenient. You tend to take any shooting opportunities where you can grab them. If you have access to a public event in a 24-acre indoor facility with more than 6,000 animals, 10,000 exhibits and half a million people, you jump on it.

The Pennsylvania Farm Show has been an annual winter tradition in Central PA for more than 100 years. Held at the Farm Show complex in Harrisburg, visitors can catch glimpses of everything from high school rodeo competitions, to prize livestock, to yarn spinning competitions. In addition to all things agricultural on display, you can also indulge in some of the fruits of Pennsylvania farmers’ labors. Of course, the crème de le crème of the edibles being the famous Farm Show milkshake from the PA Dairymen’s Association.

There are plenty of photo ops for amateur photographers. From the folks tending to their animals, to the produce on display, to the action in the arenas, there’s no shortage of subjects. So next January, if you find your trigger finger getting some post-holiday itchiness, head on down to the Farm Show and get yourself some good shots and a vanilla milkshake.
Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center
2300 N Cameron St
Harrisburg, PA 17110
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