There’s one particular aspect of most of my blog posts that I struggle mightily with, the actual written part. Believe me when I tell you I’ve got dozens of drafts just rotting away in my WordPress admin with galleries chock full of images just waiting for the right words to accompany them.
As it turns out, I don’t have a lot of interesting things to say.
I generally don’t come away with fun little stories stemming from my photo outings that I can spin into whimsical tales about the magic of everyday interactions. I definitely don’t have sage advice to impart to others that I received from a wizened photography mentor that not only helps you improve your photography, but also makes you look at life a little bit differently.

And I certainly can’t share the complex reflections about my “artistic vision” or the thought process behind what I capture. They don’t exist. Deep down, I wish I did have more intentionality in how I shoot. Sharing those tidbits about “my creative journey” might make me more interesting (or insufferable, depending on the crowd) at the cocktail parties I regularly don’t attend.
So here I am, with a collection of abstracts I took during my family’s visit to London this past spring, with nothing of note to say about them other than:
- I like hard contrasts, repeating patterns, and symmetry in photographs.
- I don’t get into city environments very often, so the novelty of urban architecture
probably draws my eye more than those who encounter it more frequently. - Reflections are cool.

I suppose I could pad out my posts like a recipe blogger would, spinning a heart-filled yarn of the good ol’ days. Wintry afternoons spent in my grandfather’s den, pipe smoke hanging in the air, outlining the edges of dim rays of light trying their level best to carry some warmth into his century old farmhouse while he patiently shows me how to load film into his venerable Kodak Retinette. Unfortunately, I have no search engine optimization goals and both my grandfathers passed on before I was born.
So this is what you get instead. Here are some photos I took. I enjoy them. I hope you do as well.
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